Kommender Patch lässt Homefront: The Revolution weniger ins Stocken geraten

Schon der letzte Patch sorgte dafür, dass Homefront: The Revolution im Schnitt 5fps „flotter“ lief. Dennoch arbeitet Dambuster Studios weiter daran, dass die … leicht besch..eidene Performance des Spiels verbessert wird. Schon im August soll ein weiterer Patch veröffentlicht werden

“Since the launch of Homefront: The Revolution we have released multiple patches and updates, mainly focusing on critical issues and the ‘save stall’ issue on console, but we have also achieved some performance improvements as this recent analysis by Digital Foundry shows.”
“Nonetheless, we are continuing to work on performance, and this is the primary focus for our next major update, 2.0, which is currently scheduled for August. This will introduce further significant improvements to frame rate, as well as additional bug fixes and reduction of save stalls down to a minimum.”

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